Hello. My name is ain syafiqah abd wahid, ain for short. Addicted to outdoor activities. Cute scout girl. Baking is one of my hobby. I'm one of those who have the right to smile. Always wondering who would cry if I die. I love Allah.
He is my crush but I love my parents more than anything else, study is my priority.
Visit my other friends who had been on the TARDIS, will you?
"A man's silence is wonderful to listen to."
"He ruin my day."
well hello and assalamualaikum haters,
okay today I would like to share with you guys about someone that I hate. Hate? Wikipedia said hate is a deep and emotional extreme dislike, directed against a certain object or class of objects. 

drive crazy sebab kau --"

HAHA nampak permainan dia? Okay, budak ni banyak kali porak perandakan hidup aku sebagai seorang pengakap. Kenape pangakap? HAHA acctually kiteorang tak sama sekolah, tapi kebetulan jumpa dalam satu perkhemahan pengakap. Nope dia bukan peserta tapi dia facy kiteorang (me, wajihah, suhaila, nadiah) God, he is the most annoying guy I ever meet, kau ade? Sebab dia aku rase kem tu tak seronok. But at the end aku mintak maaf dekat die (rase bodoh sangat lepas buat) Ingatkan jumpe mase ni je, seminggu lepas tu pergi XPDC jumpe dia lagi. Ya Allah dugaan ape yang kau bagi ni. XPDC empat hari, bile aku nampak je die terus tak ade mood. Dia lelaki pertama yang suka marah aku depan PUBLIC. This note for you Mr. A Kau ingat kau kacak nak marah-marah aku depan orang? A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone's feelings unintentionally. Done for today. Thank you for reading.

happy without him, kau ade :}

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