Hello. My name is ain syafiqah abd wahid, ain for short. Addicted to outdoor activities. Cute scout girl. Baking is one of my hobby. I'm one of those who have the right to smile. Always wondering who would cry if I die. I love Allah.
He is my crush but I love my parents more than anything else, study is my priority.
Visit my other friends who had been on the TARDIS, will you?
"A man's silence is wonderful to listen to."
"My Ramadhan story."
hello and assalamualaikum haters,
bimillahhirohmanirohim, okay first of all ramadhan is the ninth month of the islamic calendar, muslim worldwide fasting on this month. (wikipedia) okay kenapa every post nak kena ade maksud ni. Just untuk pengetahuan okay? Bulan puasa tahun ni panas gila. Ehem ehem tekak sakit, bibir pecah pecah.

ramadhan tahun ni, aku cakap dekat diri aku nak berubah. Aku nak try senyap dalam kelas, maafkan orang, mintak maaf dekat orang, hormat cikgu. Tapi semua yang aku nak semua tak menjadi, I'm wonder why? Firstly nak senyap dalam kelas, okay yang ni memang susah sikit seems mulut aku lagi teruk. Hari hari kena tegur pasal mulut. Second maafkan orang, okay lets check. Aku baru maafkan someone then, bile aku pikir balik dah ditakdirkan aku musuh dia agaknye. No, I can't forgive "dia". Tak nak guna him/her harap maaf. Mintak maaf dengan orang, okay hari tu ade. Urm, maybe consider okay. Until last night. Semua bende jadi tak kena. Last but not least, hormat cikgu. Aku try tak berborak dalam kelas cikgu BM, tapi no aku tak boleh fokus. Tell me, what should I do to be a better muslim on this ramadhan. Maybe I just need to collect more pahala than be someone that I'm not.

being someone that I'm not, sorry I can't. Done for today, thank you for reading.
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