Hello. My name is ain syafiqah abd wahid, ain for short. Addicted to outdoor activities. Cute scout girl. Baking is one of my hobby. I'm one of those who have the right to smile. Always wondering who would cry if I die. I love Allah.
He is my crush but I love my parents more than anything else, study is my priority.
Visit my other friends who had been on the TARDIS, will you?
"A man's silence is wonderful to listen to."
Hello and assalamuaikum,
Bukan senang nak jadi humble bile kita dah ade dekat satu tahap yang tinggi kan? Tapi tak salah pun kalau awak dan awak semua cuba untuk merendah diri. Tak salah pun awak. Nak tau something tak? DIA, pandai and "hebat" tapi berlagak. DIA nak orang hormat dia? Rase hormat terus hilang, harap maaf awak :} Take note: work hard, stay humble.

Aku tak pandai macam kau. Thanks sebab tunjuk perangai macam tu, else aku akan cuba untuk tak jadi macam kau. Hope kau berubah, amin.

 I just want to be humble at all time. Thank you for reading.

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